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Environmental Engineering

Biotechnology evolution

Research and discovery of new methods are fundamental 
to find solutions to restore the environment, on the basis of different needs.

Engineering & Biotech

BSA Ambiente technicians create the best system to put...

Reclamation of contaminated sites

The project for the reclamation (Progetto Operativo di Bonifica, according to D.Lgs.152/06) is preceded by...

Environmental Due Diligence

The environmental due Diligence is a fundamental transition when...

Industrial decommisioning plan

The decommissioning of an industrial area requires a...

Guaranteed remediation goals

Guaranteed achievement of the set reclamation goals.

High levels of technical expertise

Continuous search for new solutions for environmental remediation, applicable to different scenarios.

Economic sustainability

Clear costs and certain realization times.

Our Certifications:
Albo Nazionale Gestori Ambientali
N°. TO2232/0