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An ealthier environment 

for everybody 

Realized projects


Some examples of activities of reclamation successfully completed.
Plane crash, Caselle Torinese (TO) - ITALY

Agricultural area, Antonov plane crash in 1996

Ex Central ENI Gas (RA) - ITALY

Ex Central already undergone previous remediation activities.

Military Airport Northerly Italy

Contamination caused incidentally during unloading in heating oil tank.

Ex Store fuel Ravenna (RA) - ITALY

Contamination of soils and groundwater.

Petra S.p.A. (RA), Coastal deposit

Contamination of Soil, underground soil and groundwater. Area: 70.000 mq

Summer School University of Turin

Ex store fuel - Borgo Virgilio (MN)

Contamination of soil and groundwater.

Ex store solvents - Rimini

Contamination of groundwater.

A continous search for a healthier environment.
Our Certifications:
Albo Nazionale Gestori Ambientali
N°. TO2232/0
Quality Management